A new cup of tea to try!

As a lot of you know, I recently found out I have Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). I was having a ton of pain in my joints, my body hurt, and I was overall feeling fatigue, which wasn’t like me. I was so glad that I have an amazing naturopath that knew what to look for. EBV can cause a lot of health issues, with the extreme being autoimmune disease and cancer. I have been doing a lot of lifestyle changes as well as supplements provided by my doctor. If you have any questions about it, please feel free to comment or message me. EBV is very common and a lot of people go a really long time without even knowing they have it!

So before this Covid-19 pandemic started I was sharing about an anti-viral tea that I was drinking, well I guess now is a perfect time to share! I have been drinking it most days, but definitely not every single day. I mix a heaping teaspoon with unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk (warmed) but you can have it cold too!

I have been reading this book:

And this is one of her first recommendations. I highly recommend this book. It’s easy to read and it’s extremely detailed about the steps to take to get rid of EBV once and for all.

I do add a bit of organic maple syrup to it, but less than a teaspoon. To make it more fun I started using this tool to make it frothier:

It makes it super fun and what a better time to be drinking an anti-viral tea. I will be sharing a lot more about the methods I have been doing to lower my EBV levels. This doesn’t happen over night but little changes in our lifestyle can make a big impact in the long haul. Try them out, even if you don’t have EBV! The dandelion tea is great for EBV, as well as detoxifying your liver, digestion, UTIs, and diabetes. Enjoy!!!!

Sending so much love your way,

Rachel Ibbison