something we all need to think about as we start going back to work

As we are here in these times that so many of us are questioning, I can’t help but thing what are the lessons we are learning from all of this. There are so many that I am learning in my life right now, but globally there is so much. Before this quarantine started, I was questioning in how we were living and the pressure that was on us as employers and parents. Right before this pandemic happened both of my children got sick. One of them was out for a week, which happened to fall on a week of a million meetings that I had to attend.

There is a stigma placed on all of us whether we like it or not. The way we are set up is not for rest and taking care of our body. Our society is designed to keep going even if we don’t feel well. I can’t tell you how many times I have spoken to someone that shows up to work with a low-grade fever, or looking pale and hasn’t eaten but speaks like a hero for still showing up. I can’t tell you how many children show up to school, only to be sent home before noon with a fever because their fever came back after the medicine wore off.

It’s not the parents fault. It’s not the worker’s fault. This is how our society is set up. It is frowned upon whether said out loud or just “known” to take as little days off from work. Some even don’t get paid if they don’t show up to work.

So as we all sit here during quarantine wondering why we as healthy humans we are staying at home, this question should be pondered. It’s time we change the pressure, give the employees grace, and understand that when we stay home sick we are helping others. When we keep our children home when they have a low grade fever (news flash a low grade fever usually indicates something is going on in your body) it’s okay, and we are helping our friends and classmates from not getting sick.

It’s time we stop rewarding and looking at others as heroes when they still go to work sick, and sing praise for the ones that rest when they are sick and stay home.

This is a discussion that I really hope employers are having. Whether you know it or not, this is happening. Employees feel like they can’t miss a day. Teachers feel like they can’t miss a day. Waitresses, bartenders, hair dressers etc. can’t miss a day because they won’t get paid. Think about all of these professions that are home right now due to the quarantine because they come in contact with so many people, yet they don’t have a way to actually stay home when they or their children is sick without making an income.

Release the pressure and encourage people to stay home.

In my eyes, it’s God’s way of whispering you need a break, you need to rest, or I know you weren’t meant to be at work or school for today. We need to listen, and stop ignoring the signs. And if our employers won’t change, then we as a society can change. We can step up and help out our co-workers and understand that no one should be going to work sick. Children shouldn’t be going to school sick. It’s up to us to change this story.

We as a society need to start this conversation at work. A lot is going to change from this quarantine, and I hope this is something good that can come out of this. I’m not exactly sure of the solution, but starting this conversation and taking ownership ourselves of speaking up to our co-workers and encouraging them to go home when they are sick—listen you are not a hero for showing up sick to work, you are doing more damage than good. Look at the ripple effects that one decision can have on a business.

It’s time we start coming up with solutions to this pressure that we are all put under and start praising those that stay home sick.

Sending so much love,

Rachel Ibbison