I'm really embarassed to share this, but you I know you will appreciate this....
heeling cracked heels

All right, so here it is….ever since I turned 40, my heels have been gross. When I say gross, they are completely cracked on the bottom, and the back of my heel. I’ll save you from posting my before pictures. I tried to get a pedicure—it came back within days. I tried coconut oil on my feet and wearing socks over night for a while, nothing. You name it, I’ve tried it, different soaks, using a pumice stone etc. Nothing worked, until I came across this beauty!!!!

You guys!!!! This stuff worked amazing, and it was only $14.99!! I put it on my feet and wear socks to bed and my feet wake up so soft!! I have to admit it took me a couple of days for my heels to feel soft, but they do now!!! This is a definite must have to have soft feet, the kind that feel good on the sheets and don’t get caught, ewwwww!!! I know, but if I’ve experienced this, I know you have too!! I was so embarrassed by my feet and I am still am from the half marathon training but my heels look damn good!!!!

Sending so much LOVE!!!!
