I didn't buy my son an organic mattress
organic mattress cover

Ok, so here’s the thing. I wanted to buy an organic mattress. I know that it is a much better choice for my son, but the price difference OMG. Thousands! Here’s the thing. We need to draw the line some where. If I did everything I wanted to do for my children’s safety to be clean and free from toxins we would be flat out broke. So here’s what I decided to do instead. It isn’t the best case scenario, but it certainly made me feel better knowing my son wouldn’t be exposed to as much toxins. The first thing is when we purchased the mattress, we let the mattress off gas for 3 days—I believe I did 4 days just to be safe. Off gas, means take it out of the box and all the wrapping. Let it sit some where to let the initial toxins and fumes out. That way your child or you aren’t laying on it for up to 12 hours with your face right on the fumes. After that I purchased this mattress cover.

organic mattress cover

Will it take away all of the toxins? I don’t believe so, but this at least gave me a piece of mind. It has a zipper encasement so it wrapped all around the mattress which we liked. I know for me, this decision was not easy, but I also know that in the back of my head I had a ton of mommy guilt that I wasn’t buying him an organic mattress. I hope that this gives you permission to find what works for you and that you don’t have to break the bank in every area. There are so many other ways to save your child from breathing in toxins. We can’t be perfect in every area, and we are all doing the best we can.

organic mattress cover

Sending so much Love,
