How to find more Joy in your life today
find more joy today

I know it may feel like everyone else is happy and enjoying every damn step of their life, and living their dream life.

I know you hear it time and time again that you should do what makes you happy, plain and simple, but it’s not that simple for you. You hear so many stories everyday about people doing exactly what they loved and dreamed about all of their life, yet it seems so far away from you. But what if it wasn’t so far away from you.

What if where you are is exactly where you are supposed to be. What if finding joy in your everyday life is what you are missing?

Yes, the point of our lives is to find as much joy as possible, but what if the only thing between you and your happiness was you? What if you are the reason you aren’t happy in any of those areas? I know it’s hard to hear. I know it’s hard to imagine, but hear me out.

You aren’t happy in your job? Find a way to bring more happiness to it. First, make sure you are doing things before work to put you in the right mindset—meditate, workout, journal, eat a nutritious meal, then head to work and find a way to bring your own joy. Play a positive playlist if you can listen to music. You can listen to mine HERE. Bring some yummy coffee to your co-workers. Have you ever heard that quote, “When you feel helpless, help someone.” It doesn’t have to be huge, but bringing joy to others will bring joy to you! Put more effort into your work to feel proud. It might not sound simple, but it really is. Try it! What have you got to lose?

Sick of where you live? Switch around your furniture, paint a room, bring fresh flowers in. Look around and find what you enjoy about your house or where you live. You guys!! It really is that simple. Our brains are trained to see the bad in things. It literally is from our ancestors that were looking to protect themselves from their enemies. We have to train our brains to look at the good. It’s not easy, but such a breath of fresh air.

Aren’t happy in your relationship? What are you doing to try to make it more pleasurable? Have you brought the romance lately?

The point is, my friend, we are all doing this life together. We are all dealing with some sort of struggle here and there. It’s all in how we interpret it, and work through what we are dealt with. It doesn’t mean we can’t cry, scream, get mad, or say something not so nice, it simply means,

Stop sitting in it day after day. Work. Do the work to see how you can see your situation through a different light. I promise, there is a different light. There is a way to make it better. But it starts with you.

It starts with you wanting it to be better.

And you know what happens after?


Simple and plain joy.

You know what happens next? Life starts working out in ways you could have never imagined. They stop staying so stagnant and they start flowing your way.

Sending so much LOVE,
